Select today's date:
Select soda type:
Enter created on date:
About Julian Code
For the year, this program assumes 0 - 5 refers to 2020 - 2025, while 6 - 9 refers to 2016 - 2019.
Soda products may come with a created on date to indicate when the product was manufactured.
The first set of numbers (1 - 12) refers to the Month
The second set of numbers (1 - 365/366) refers to the day.
The day will be a running total throughout the year where 1 = January 1st and 365 = December 31
The last number refers to the year. i.e. 3 would refer to 2023.
About this program
Takes today's date and the created on date to evaluate is the product is fresh or expired.
diet soda is considered fresh for up to 3 months
and regular soda for up to 9 months